Class 10th English ( First Flight ) Chapter 1 A letter to God MCQ Term-1

Class 10th English ( First Flight ) Chapter 1 A letter to God MCQ Term-1

1] Where was Lencho's house situated ? 

A- bottom of the hill
B- top of a hill 
C- top of a plateau
D- in a city 

Ans- B

2] What was the only thing that the Earth needed according to Lencho ?

A- a shower
B- a snowfall
C- strong winds
D- sunlight 

Ans- A

3] Where did Lencho expect the downpour to come from ?

A- north 
B- north-east
C- north-west
D- south-east 

Ans- A

4] What did Lencho compare the large raindrops with ?

A- silver coins
B- Pearls
C- diamonds  
D- new coins 

Ans- D

5] Which crop was growing on Lencho's fields ? 

A- Corn 
B- Barley
C- Rice
D- None of the above  

Ans- A

6] What destroyed Lencho's fields ? 

A- heavy rainfall
B- Hailstorm
C- Landslide
D- flood 

Ans- B

7] The field looked as if it were covered in 

A- salt 
B- Locusts
C- Sugar
D- ice  

Ans- A

8] Lencho compared the quantum of damage with 

A- attack by rats
B- attack by crows
C- plague of locusts 
D- None of the above

 Ans- C

9] What was the only hope left in the hearts of Lencho's family ?

A- compensation from government
B- help from farmer's association
C- help from God 
D- there was no hope left  

Ans- C

10] How much money did Lencho ask for ? 

A- 100 pesos
B- 1000 pesos
C- 10 pesos
D- 500 pesos 

 Ans- A

11] How did Lencho decide to contact his last resort ?

A- by visiting them personally
B- through a letter
C- through e-mail
D- through fax  

Ans- B

12] What was the immediate reaction of the postman on seeing the letter ? 

A- laughed whole-heartedly
B- Cried
C- felt sad about what happened
D- felt empathetic 

Ans- A

13] The postmaster was a fat, amiable man. What is the meaning of amiable ?

A- Rude
B- Helpful
C- Friendly
D- enthusiastic 

Ans- C

14] On seeing the letter, the postmaster was moved by Lencho's

A- unwavering faith
B- Handwriting
C- love for God
D- determination  

Ans- A

15] Why did the postmaster decide to reply to Lencho's letter ?

A- he was a good man
B- he felt empathetic
C- to preserve Lencho's faith in God
D- all of the above  

Ans- C

16] What else did the reply demanded apart from goodwill, ink and paper ? 

A- lost crop
B- Money
C- God's signature
D- new seeds  

Ans- B

17] How much money was the postmaster able to arrange ?

A- 100 pesos
B- Nil
C- 1000 pesos
D- 70 pesos  

Ans- D

18] What did the postmaster feel on experiencing Lencho receive the letter ? 

A- contended 
B- Proud
C- Overwhelmed
D- all of the above  

Ans- A

19] Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money in the envelope ? 

A- he was too sad to acknowledge it
B- he had unwavering faith in God
C- he was an ungrateful man
D- none of the above 

Ans- B

20] How did he feel when he counted the money ?

A- Grateful
B- Joyful
C- Relieved
D- angry 

Ans- D

21] What did Lencho think of the post- office employees ?

A- bunch of crooks 
B- Rude
C- Unhelpful
D- proud  

Ans- A

22] What did Lencho ask for in his second letter ?

A- more money
B- remaining amount and not send it by mail
C- remaining amount and send it by mail only
D- he didn't ask for anything  

Ans- B

23] What is the irony in this lesson ?

A- Lencho was sad after the hailstorm even though he was the one waiting for a shower
B-  Postmaster laughed at Lencho but still helped arrange money for him
C-  Lencho blamed the post office employees who in fact helped him
 D- there is no irony 

Ans- C

24] What type of conflict does the chapter highlight ?

A- conflict between nature and humans
B- conflict among humans
C- conflict among God and nature
D- both 1 and 2  

Ans- B

25] Who is the author of the lesson 'A Letter to God' ? 

A- G.L. Fuentes
B- J.k. Rowling
C- William Shakespeare
D- Roald Dahl  

Ans- A

26] Which quote supports the idea in the given extract ?

A- "Farming is a profession of hope.“
B-  B) "I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.“
C- "Farming looks mighty easy when your plough is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.“
D-  D) "Those too lazy to plough in the right season will have no food at the harvest." 

Ans- A

27] Lencho's letter included 

A- details of his problems.
B- description of the post office.
C- belief of being looted. 
D- List of further demands

Ans- D

28] Who read the letter sent by Lencho ? 

A- His Wife
B- The Postmaster 
C- One of the farmer
D- The God 

Ans- B

29] choose the correct word

"____" an inner sense of right and wrong 
A- inner voice
B- Conscience 
C- six sense
D- none of the above 

Ans- B

30] What did Lencho hope for ?

A- A good shower of rain for his crop.
B- A new motorcycle
C- A tractor
D- None of the Above 

Ans- A

31] "An ox of a man" this metaphor  is used in the story, which means, 

A- strong
B- Agriculture
C- Weak
D- kind of tool 

Ans- A

32] A violent storm whose centre is a cloud in the shape of a funnel, called:

A- Rain
B- Cyclone
C- Thunderstorm
D- tornado 

Ans- D

33] Why Did The Postmaster Signed The Letter As  God ? 

A- he wanted to make him fool
B- So that Lencho’s faith does not get shaken.
C- he do the sign like that only
D- none of the above 

Ans- B

34] Why did not Lencho  try to find out who send the money to him ? 

A- he  had completed faith in God
B- he didn't waste his time
C- he was not interested  to find out
D- none of the above  

Ans- A

35] Who Does Lencho Think Has Taken The Rest Of The Money ? 

A- he,  himself
B- the God
C- the post office employees
D- his wife  

Ans- C

36] Lencho was a 

A- builder 
B- Businessman
C- postmaster 
D- Farmer  

Ans- D

37] What Resembles With "New Coins' 

A- he crop
B- rain drops
C- the currency
D- none of the above  

Ans- B

38] What Made Lencho Angry ? 

A- There were only 70 pesos
B- there were 100 pesos
C- there was no money
D- 70 & 100 pesos 

Ans- A

39] Which idioms suitable for the story 

A- where there is a will there is way
B- aspire to inspire
C- faith can move mountains
D- A&B 

Ans- C

40] What does 'locusts' mean

A- insects 
B- Animal
C- Plant
D- None of the above  

Ans- A

41] With Reference To The Story, What Fo You Think, About The Postmaster ? 

A- rude
B- Greedy
C- Kind
D- thief  

Ans- C

42] Lencho's soul was filled with___ after the crop was destroyed. (Fill the correct adjective) 

A- Kindness
B- Darkness
C- Happiness
D- Sadness 

Ans- D

43] What is resembles with new silver coins ? 

A- large hailstones 
B- Raindrops
C- Corn
D- plant leafs 

Ans- A

44] On the crest of a low hill. Find the meaning of highlighted word

A- middle of a hill
B- bottom of a hill
C- top of a hill
D- non of the above 

Ans- C

45] How Many Pesos Was Demanded By The Lencho ?

A- 100 pesos
B- 70 pesos
C- 80 pesos
D- 1000 pesos 

Ans- A

46] What Postmaster Said To Employees To Collect The Money 

A- for forming the NGO
B- As an act  of rudeness
C- as an act of give something
D- As a act of charity  

Ans- D


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